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28 September 2015  |  John
White Fingers: Raynaud’s Symptoms

Raynaud’s disease (also known as Raynaud’s phenomenon, Raynaud’s syndrome or simply Raynaud’s) is a condition which causes blood vessels at the extremities to contract and spasm, reducing blood flow. When this happens, it is known as an attack of Raynaud’s and it can cause several visible changes.

28 September 2015  |  John
What Is Raynaud’s Phenomenon?

Raynaud’s Phenomenon is another term for Raynaud’s disease, which is also called Raynaud’s syndrome, or sometimes just Raynaud’s. It affects the blood supply in the body and is most commonly visible in hands and feet.

28 September 2015  |  John
Cold White Fingertips: Raynaud’s Symptoms

Cold white fingertips are a common symptom of mild Raynaud’s disease (also known as Raynaud’s phenomenon, Raynaud’s syndrome or simply Raynaud’s), which is a condition which causes blood vessels in extremities to contract, reducing blood flow (typically) to fingers and toes. When this happens, it is known as a Raynaud’s attack.

1 Comment25 September 2015
Raynaud's 101: What You Need to Know

Learn all about Raynaud's, it's causes, symptoms and how to stop it ruining your winter with our helpful Raynaud's 101 infographic!

24 September 2015
​Feeling Blue? Raynaud’s and Discoloured Fingers

Raynaud’s Disease got you feeling down or your fingers turning blue? White fingers may have become the symbol of Raynaud’s everywhere, but blue fingers are just as likely, just as painful and just as able to benefit from our range of warming products here at!

24 September 2015
​Cold At Your Fingertips: Our Hand-Protecting Products

You know what they say, cold hands, warm heart, and we’re all heart here at Raynaud’s, where we do our very best to bring you only the most effective products for fending off those awful Raynaud’s attacks through the winter months.

24 September 2015
​Be Warm with Homeglow

Tackling the troubles of living with Raynaud’s Disease is our goal, but for Martin Lewis, inventor of the Homeglow B-Warm Heated Seat Cover, his goals are even bigger!

24 September 2015
How Raynaud’s Disease is Treated

Whether you suffer from Primary Raynaud’s Phenomenon or Secondary Raynaud’s Syndrome, there is sadly no cure for either. Those with primary Raynaud’s may be lucky enough to see their symptoms fade as quickly as they came within a few years of their arrival, but for many people their relationship with Raynaud’s is for the long run. While there may be no absolute cure for this chilly condition, there are ways of treating it so its impact on your everyday life can be lessened.

23 September 2015
​Why Do Silver Gloves Work?

It was the Romans who first discovered the medicinal properties of silver, but here in the 21st century, Raynaud’s Disease sufferers are still enjoying the benefits of this precious metal for relieving their painful symptoms in the hand form of Silver Gloves.

23 September 2015
​Cure Cold Hands

If you’re one of the estimated 10 million adults in the UK suffering with Raynaud’s Disease then you’ll know the daily struggle of needing to keep your hands warm. Cold hands and fingers, or feet and toes are a sure sign that you may be suffering from Raynaud’s, which is triggered by poor blood flow and compromised circulation in the hands.

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